
What Our Customers Say About
Ag Optimus

Testimonials found on this site are examples of specific customers. Your experience may be different. No compensation was provided for these testimonials. Future broker reviews may be subjective and depend on user expectations and experience of trading.  Feel free to compare us to other futures brokers before making your final decision.  

I have used The Brokers at Ag Optimus for my risk management needs for the last 6 years. Between around the clock support, planning, and forward thinking they are where I hang my hat. The network of knowledge the firm has access to is a great advantage to its customers and partners.

Rick S

Hedger | Cattle

Ag Optimus has a producer driven mindset all while balancing risk and fundamental trading. David & Nathan brings multiple options to the table to effectively manage my operations trades and risks.

Brian B

Farmer | Corn

I am fairly new to Optimus Futures. My broker, Ryan I think is one of the best in the business. His advice is spot on when it’s time to sell, I just need the discipline to do it. Need to do some research that are always available from Optimus to help in better trading. And he returns my calls promptly. Thanks Ryan!

Marianne CB

Private Client | Options on Futures

There are many reasons we enjoy working with Nathan and David, the biggest reasons for us though are the relationship and trust. I know every day they put our interest first, we are in it together, they take ownership in our operations.

Mike W

Hedger | Cattle

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